Welcome to the Club!

Becca, Eloise & Jess in Barcelona, Spain 2018.
Okay... so if you have read this far... thank you. You're a true hero. This is Jessica writing and honestly I am struggling to keep things in third person so I am going to go ahead and switch it to first person. This might be poor form but it's late and I am way too pregnant to figure this out right now. My brain is mushy enough dealing with Covid, "homeschooling" my 5 year old, trying to keep my one year old son alive... I can't be bothered to sort out my grammar right now. So once again, you are a hero, thank you for understanding.
Okay, back to our story. Once Becca and I focused our energy on making content for parents we started recognizing some common themes in the lives of new moms around the world. We saw that new moms, while they are full of love and great intentions, are also dead tired, often lonely, regularly unsure of themselves, and very tired. (I almost deleted the second "tired", because it was an accident to put it twice, but I am going to leave it in there because it's clearly so real it deserves to a second appearance.) So moms are largely lacking community... and good sleep. Alongside their emotional needs, we also saw that these amazing moms had practical needs too. I would daily receive emails, DM's, and comments in our Facebook group from mothers looking for products and apparel which could make their lives easier and more fun.
Our awareness of these needs motivated us to start our own business which would serve our online community both practically and emotionally. **
We wanted to create a space that would be an extension of my Youtube channel, Instagram, and private Facebook group. Since people frequently comment on the non-judgmental, humorous and encouraging way I speak about the challenges of motherhood; we wanted The Very Good Mothers Club to embody those qualities too. It is our goal for this to be a sisterly community; a place for encouragement, vulnerability and laughter; a space where judgement is not welcome, but ALL moms are.
The products we sell are featured here because we believe in their ability to enhance a mother's journey and to meet her needs in some way. Our videos, products, and even our future events, podcasts, and books all carry the vision of seeing moms become more whole, joyful, and capable versions of themselves as they try to love their kids well.
Thank you so much for being a part of this community and we wish you all the best in your parenting journey!
So much love to you, Jess Hover & The Very Good Mothers Club
**I won't lie, I was also motivated by the fact that while I LOVE producing online content & serving my viewers- who seem to be some of the best people in the world- social media wasn't paying enough to provide for my family. So I either needed to quit having a consistent Youtube presence to get a better paying job, or find a way to make more money within what I was already doing. This business is my hopeful solution. Plus if the business succeeded then Becca could finally stop working 23 different part time jobs and finally work for me full time. So just know... if you support this business you are keeping us all afloat and we are seriously SO grateful.