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What You Can Expect In The Club

A membership based community for growing families. Supporting one another in the art of baby-making, baby-raising, and everything parenting related. Providing encouragement, support, and resources for parents who are "very good" because they are "good enough".

Online Membership

$20 monthly or
$200 annually (save $40)

Personalized support for all things early motherhood: baby feeding, baby sleep, toddler tantrums, starting preschool, returning to work after maternity leave, transitioning from 1-2, or 2-3 kids, or 4-5 kids, sex, mental health, marriage and so much more.

Weekly Zoom calls led by coaches, parenting experts, and our resident therapist

Quality connection with mothers from around the world.

Resources to help you thrive right now.

Exclusive offers + Discounts.

Los Angeles Membership

$75 Monthly
$600 Annually (save $300)

Includes online membership ($200 value).

RSVP to gatherings in Woodland Hills (twice weekly).

Meet local families and receive personalized support as you navigate early motherhood.

Discount to VGMC classes + special events.

Exclusive offers to local services (ex: facials and acupuncture)

We exist to help you feel your best at every stage of your parenting journey.

Whether you join our weekly zoom-calls, shop our online store, attend our events or sign up for one of our group coaching programs; everything you find here will be encouraging, connecting, and real. We believe you are a very good mom, not because you’re perfect at it, but because you love your babies and you try hard. That’s good enough for us and we hope it’s good enough for you too. Being a parent is not easy, neither is making friends, VGMC is here to help you with both! Welcome to the club!